Zero Waste Toothpaste.

So you've been helping the planet by using your bamboo toothbrush for a while now, but every time you brush your teeth, and squeeze that toothpaste out of a plastic, usually non-recyclable tube, something just feels wrong...

Sound familiar? That was the dilemma I found myself in until I found this simple, three ingredient, zero waste toothpaste recipe. Now, I'm no dentist, I'm not here to educate on dental hygiene or tell you the right or wrong way to clean your teeth, or debate about the ingredients involved. I just want to share a really simple recipe that is kind to the planet and works really well for me. I can honestly say my teeth always feel super clean after using this toothpaste. And the one thing I will say about dental hygiene is that what I've learned from previous conversations with dentists is that it's the quality of the actual brushing that really counts when it comes to removing plaque. The mechanical process of brushing does more than any toothpaste.

So, the three ingredients: Coconut oil, bicarbonate of soda and peppermint oil. 

  • Coconut oil is a great agent that helps to kill off nasty micro organisms that lead to tooth decay and oral candida, while promoting good bacteria. 
  • Bicarbonate of soda is a gentle abrasive that helps to remove plaque. It is also alkaline, so neutralises excess acid in the mouth.
  • Peppermint oil is not actually necessary, it just adds a nice fresh flavour. 
Using this toothpaste will probably be a bit weird at first, as it doesn't contain any artificial sweeteners or foaming agents, and tastes a little salty, but I got used to it very quickly and actually like the taste now. 

The recipe is super easy; simply mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil with 1.5 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda. Then add 10-15 drops of peppermint oil (that will be enough - too much can kill off good bacteria in your mouth). 

That's it. Store in an air-tight container and either scoop a bit out with your toothbrush or with a teaspoon. Use the same amount as you usually would to brush your teeth, and don't worry about adding water as the oil will melt and become liquid in your mouth. 

Hope you enjoy.
